You are probably familiar with these divine black and white plates by Italian graphic artist and designer, Pierro Fornasetti. Once he began to make them he never stopped, eventually it became his trademark. I must admit they have had an effect on me, I can't stop looking at all the different variations. They have a Mona Lisa charm about them. I have one piece (not an original of course), already I feel the need to buy more. I feel an addiction lurking. If you are planning to invest go to Post Emporium in North Perth for an original or perhaps for something in that flavour try Behind the Monkey.
Tuesday, November 3
Lucky me, two thoughtful family members presented me with these wonderful giant "L"s. The first crafted by machine, the second was found lying on the ground while working the dog. Thank you lovely family.
Pica's Artist Car Boot Sale is on this Sunday. It's a lovely way to spend a lazy Sunday. Stroll through the Perth Cultural Centre and enjoy the atmosphere and pick up a treasure or two. PICA's Artist Car Boot Sale, Sunday 8 November 2009, 11am to 3pm, Perth Cultural Centre, Northbridge.
Here are two concepts for a client whose brief was simply as follows "when I walk past the bathroom and look in, I want to see a beautiful basin". Concept 1 features the generously sized IO inset basin. It is designed to sit within the shelf. The organic curve of the underside of the basin is the eye catching factor. Next was the tapware and shower. Here again, I looked for curves. The El-X wall mixer and spout has a soft curve on the spout and the oval shaped back plate mimics the shape of the basin. For the shower I chose the Freehander for its tubular design. Plus it offers 'spa' like features. The shower pivots and rotates. Swing it up or swing it down, that's all it takes to to convert this shower into a body massage spray. Concept 2 (below) features the bold Alessi One Pedestal. The pedestal has a strong focal point ... the smooth, glossy white ceramic drum like shape has a timeless appeal.