Tuesday, August 14

First Post!

My first post! After thinking about it for months it's finally getting out of my head. I am torn between the excitement and relief to finally do it and now I'm totally freaked about what to post first. Here goes... We have been renovating our home over the last 12 months. Here is a storage unit I designed for my kitchen. I absolutely luv it. Family and friends can quickly grab a glass (wine) or plate without exchanging any words. They quickly settle in without any help from me. It's great fun changing things around and getting a new look. It's finished in laminate from The Laminex Group. Licorice Linea - don't you just love the name. We are off to Europe this week...the whole family. I hope to share everything wonderful along the way. Including a trade fair for interior designers - Abitare Il Tempo in Verona, Italy.

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